New Delivery Charges from 1st February 2023

After a period of quite severe inflationary pressure where we have absorbed supplier price increases as far as possible, to ensure we can maintain our service levels we have made the decision to introduce a charging mechanism that more accurately reflects the actual costs incurred in making a lorry delivery to our customers.
As many of you will be aware, these are the first changes to our delivery charges since Madingley Mulch began trading in 1999!
The following changes will be made from 1st February: Our minimum order value eligible for delivery will increase from £40 to £50 Delivery charges will now be applied to all orders to reflect the combined cost of distance travelled and space taken up on the lorry.
Please see our delivery page for more information about the new charges.

Top Tips to Get Your Lawn in Trim for Summer

turf supplies cambridge

One of the most satisfying sights for the gardening enthusiast is being able to look out on a lush green lawn.

Madingley Mulch, based near Cambridge, is a leading lawn top dressing supplier to customers in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Essex and Suffolk, as well as our home county. Here is our guide to what you can do now to make sure you can enjoy some green grass at home over the summer months.

Weed It and Feed It

Now is the ideal time of year to give your grass the best chance of flourishing by removing the weeds. Dandelions and daisies can be removed by hand, while raking your grass over and then mowing it will discourage other types of unwanted, creeping plants such as speedwell and white clover.

If your lawn’s weeds are well established or growing, you can also apply weedkiller at this time of year, but check it will be effective against the type of plants you want to get rid of. Depending on the manufacturers’ instructions, you may need more than one application of it.

Maintain it Regularly

You can use fertiliser if your grass has lost its freshness, but generally not after August as that is too late. It can encourage growth in your weeds as well as grass at the wrong time of year.

As far as watering goes, don’t panic too much if there is a long dry spell. It will take a severe drought to do long-term damage to your grass, which can be remarkably resilient. Remember that one substantial watering, which gets right down to the roots, will do a lot more for the quality of your lawn than an occasional sprinkling from a can.

All lawns benefit from regular mowing. The Royal Horticultural Society recommends doing this once a week in spring, and twice a week during the summer months, although the exact frequency will depend on the weather. For instance, if there is a prolonged dry spell, you may be able to reduce the amount of cutting. 

Create Your Own Lawn

If you think your lawn would benefit from a complete makeover, then you can create a new lawn by digging out a patch of garden soil to a depth of 20-25cm (8 to 10in). Dig in some well-rotted manure or organic matter like Denise’s Delight, our exclusive product which will help your new lawn retain moisture. We also sell lawn dressing, which improves the soil quality and will improve the quality of your grass roots.  

You should then let the soil settle for around six weeks, removing any weeds which grow up in the meantime. Level it by treading it down, then rake it and put a general-purpose fertiliser on it. Then you can start seeding the site, although you might need to put up some form of fencing or netting to deter hungry birds, but remember you will still need to water it.

If you already have a lawn, but one which needs some tender loving care, you can just reseed bare patches, particularly after you have weeded it.

Madingley Mulch sell a range of grass seeds suitable for different types of lawn; for example, where the grass is well shaded, or in a particularly sunny spot. Our tough lawn mixture is suitable for areas that get a lot of use, such as children’s play areas. We sell large economy bags as well as smaller ones. If you are not sure which type to buy, our staff will be happy to advise you.

Replace it With New Turf

If your lawn is in a really poor condition, you may prefer to replace it completely. This can be done in late spring or early summer but you might prefer to wait until autumn. Although turf comes pre-prepared, you still need to take care, particularly in the early stages. It is vital you do not let it dry out before you lay it, and you will need to water it well to help the roots get established. Generally, you should let nature take its course, so you should avoid treading on your new turf for the first couple of weeks. As with seeding, try not to use any treatments until the grass has become well established. 

We can supply top-quality turf in rolls of 1 sq m which has been grown locally. We offer free delivery of your turf supplies within a 15-mile radius of our base just outside Cambridge. As with other products, including bulk topsoil and compost orders, a standard £20 delivery charge applies within a radius of 24.5 miles and if it is further than that then contact us on 01954 212144 for a quote. 

Madingley Mulch is a lawn top dressing supplier with customers in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Essex and Suffolk as well as Cambridgeshire. We sell a whole range of products, including tools and fertilisers, to help you create a lovely lawn. We run a regular delivery service to towns and villages in the Cambridge area, including Comberton, Coton and Hardwick.  Click on the link to visit our online shop.

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