New Delivery Charges from 1st February 2023

After a period of quite severe inflationary pressure where we have absorbed supplier price increases as far as possible, to ensure we can maintain our service levels we have made the decision to introduce a charging mechanism that more accurately reflects the actual costs incurred in making a lorry delivery to our customers.
As many of you will be aware, these are the first changes to our delivery charges since Madingley Mulch began trading in 1999!
The following changes will be made from 1st February: Our minimum order value eligible for delivery will increase from £40 to £50 Delivery charges will now be applied to all orders to reflect the combined cost of distance travelled and space taken up on the lorry.
Please see our delivery page for more information about the new charges.

Planning for the Year Ahead on Your Allotment

Allotment Supplies Essex – From Cambridge-based Madingley Mulch

Allotments have seen a big boom in recent years, kickstarted by the recent coronavirus lockdowns, when they provided some much-needed outdoor therapy for people who might otherwise have been stuck indoors.  And, of course, they help with increased cost of living, as they enable gardeners to grow their own fruit and veg.

The key to getting the most out of your plot is to plan ahead. Here Madingley Mulch, who offer allotment supplies to gardeners in Essex, Suffolk and our home county of Cambridgeshire; provide you with a month-by-month take at what should be your priorities for the coming year if you are growing your own.


This is the month you ought to start working over your soil, to prepare it for the growing season. While a trusty spade and fork will help drain and aerate the soil, you can give nature a helping hand with some organic matter such as mulch.

You may also be able to start the growing process in a propagator (for example, for artichokes and broccoli), equally if you planted them at the correct time (in the autumn) you may have some kale, lettuce or rocket which is now ready to be harvested.


The soil preparation process should continue, and this should be the month you tackle any weeds which have survived the winter. If you get on top of them now, they won’t be a problem for the rest of the year. Some seedlings can be sown now too, such as carrots, peas, radishes and broad beans.


This is the latest you can plant out asparagus and artichokes. Aubergines and tomatoes should be planted now too as they need a long growing season. All your potato seedlings should also be in the ground by the end of the month.

You may need to thin out some of the seedlings you originally planted last month if they are growing too close together. And keep weeding – particularly perennials such as brambles, nettles and thistles.


You can ‘earth up’ your potatoes this month (a process where you add some soil near the base as this will increase the length of underground stems that will bear potatoes – as well as smother any weeds).

If you planted any lettuce, spring onions, broccoli, cabbage, spinach or radishes in the early spring, then you can start harvesting and enjoying them now. You can also sow beans this month (either dwarf, climbing and runners), although you may need supports such as bamboo in place, particularly if the weather isn’t particularly good.


Some vegetables you can replant every month, these include beetroot, radishes and lettuce.

You can still plant out beans this month, as well as courgettes, pumpkins, squashes and sweetcorn.

Although you shouldn’t have to worry about frosts for a few months, the seasonal variations offered by Mother Nature may mean you have to start thinking about watering. Remember a good soak may be better than a sprinkle and prioritise anything that’s been planted out recently.


Lots of crops can be harvested in August, including carrots, runner beans, beetroot, globe artichokes, cucumbers, and courgettes. And you can still sow some vegetables – including lettuce (but keep them out of direct sunlight), rocket and spring onions.

If you are going on holiday, give your plants a really big soak before you go away (or get your neighbour to take on the job – they may also be able to harvest some fruit and veg while you are away).


Onions, potatoes, runner beans, and courgettes can all be harvested and eaten this month. You can also start thinking about sowing for winter and spring next year – such as leafy vegetables like spinach and spring cabbages, as well as broad beans and peas for early harvests next year.


This should be the month you harvest the last of any runner beans or courgettes you have planted, as well as (appropriately, given that it’s Halloween) any pumpkins which should have been planted in late May or early June. If your main crops have finished for the season, and the plot is relatively empty, then you may want to consider laying down some soil conditioners or improvers.


This is a good month for planting garlic, onions or shallots, although they may need some protection from the winter weather.  It’s also a good time to prune any fruit bushes you have grown, as they will effectively be dormant until next year.


If you have planted any parsnips, leeks or winter cabbages then now is the time to harvest them – hopefully just in time for Christmas dinner. Should you have any fruit trees on your plot, now is a good time to prune them. It’s also a good month to make sure your tools are in good order, ready for the year ahead – cleaning them, oiling them and sharpening them (possibly replacing them too). It is well worth planning out the year ahead too.

Allotment Supplies in Essex from Madingley Mulch

At Madingley Mulch we have a comprehensive selection of products to help you all year round. We have a range of composts and soil conditioners which we stock at our Cambridge base. These include our exclusive products, Tony’s Tonic and Denise’s Delight. All of them will improve your soil’s quality and ensure you get full value from your plot.

Our online shop also has a range of high-quality garden tools, as well as metal builder’s barrows which should be strong enough to meet all your needs. If you have any questions, you can call us on 01954 212144.

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