Due to unprecedented demand for our products in Spring 2025 we are experiencing some delays to our usually swift delivery service out to customers. Please bear with us whilst we work to catch-up with orders, which are being dealt with on a strictly 'date ordered' basis.
If you would like an update on delivery lead times, please call the shop on 01954 212144.

About Madingley Mulch

Formed some 20 years ago supplying products to the landscape industry, we have grown into one of the leading suppliers of materials in 1 cubic metre and ½ cubic metre bags in the Anglia Region.

Aggregates and bark trading is a large part of our business which allows us to sort the most cost effective way for us to source your orders.

We also operate a ready mix concrete operation Madmix from our site in Madingley.  With our fleet of mixers we can supply anything from 1 cubic metre to 6 cubic metre loads of ready mix concrete to suit most applications.  A collect service is also available. Under our East Anglian Haulage Company we supply many local independent builders’ merchants and ready mix concrete companies in the Anglia region, South Hertfordshire and from East to the North West of London.

We pride ourselves on our friendly reliable service and look forward to supplying all our existing and new customers.