New Delivery Charges from 1st February 2023

After a period of quite severe inflationary pressure where we have absorbed supplier price increases as far as possible, to ensure we can maintain our service levels we have made the decision to introduce a charging mechanism that more accurately reflects the actual costs incurred in making a lorry delivery to our customers.
As many of you will be aware, these are the first changes to our delivery charges since Madingley Mulch began trading in 1999!
The following changes will be made from 1st February: Our minimum order value eligible for delivery will increase from £40 to £50 Delivery charges will now be applied to all orders to reflect the combined cost of distance travelled and space taken up on the lorry.
Please see our delivery page for more information about the new charges.



How to Create a Low-Maintenance Garden

However keen a gardener you are, a lack of time or mobility may prevent you from spending as much time as you want tending to your plants. Madingley Mulch supplies a range of products which will cut down on the amount of work your garden requires, from paving slabs to landscape bark. We provide garden […]

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Top Tips on Preserving Moisture in Your Garden

Keeping your garden’s plants healthy can be a challenge. Not only do they compete with weeds for their valuable nutrients, but they also may have to cope with a dry summer when water can be at a premium and hosepipe bans are often brought in. Madingley Mulch supplies a range of products which will help […]

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Ideas to Make Your Garden Look Stunning

There are plenty of ways you can make your garden look gorgeous, and you don’t always have to wait until the next growing season for new plants to bloom. Of course, stunning displays of flowers, trees and bushes, and a smooth green lawn, will all give your garden that wow factor. But it’s equally vital […]

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Five Good Reasons to Use Bark in Your Garden

Bark chips can help transform your garden, whether by improving the quality of the soil which will help your plants to thrive, or by providing a distinctive, eye-catching feature in their own right. Madingley Mulch supplies bark for gardens to customers in Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Essex and Bedfordshire. Here are our top five reasons why […]

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How to Encourage Youngsters to Enjoy Gardening

Your garden and your children can often compete for demands on your time, so why not get them interested in the world of plants and flowers? Not only will it give them an exciting new hobby, but the shared interest will also allow you to spend some quality time with them, and they could even […]

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Top Tips to Get Your Lawn in Trim for Summer

One of the most satisfying sights for the gardening enthusiast is being able to look out on a lush green lawn. Madingley Mulch, based near Cambridge, is a leading lawn top dressing supplier to customers in Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Essex and Suffolk, as well as our home county. Here is our guide to what you can […]

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How to Make Your Garden Wildlife Friendly

Spring and summer are usually the time of year when we really turn our attention to our gardens. The better weather offers the chance of a fresh start, and this can mean encouraging other forms of nature other than just the new bulbs and flowers you might want to plant. As garden mulch suppliers with […]

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Ways to Tackle Weeds in Your Garden

Now is the time of year that many people are looking to revitalise their garden with beautiful plants. But you will have to guard against weeds, which can be every gardener’s enemy. Cambridge-based Madingley Mulch are leading bark mulch suppliers for customers in Essex, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Suffolk, as well as Cambridgeshire. We stock a […]

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Unusual Vegetables You Can Grow in Your Garden

A recent shortage of vegetables on our supermarket shelves, caused by extreme weather in the Mediterranean, highlighted why there has never been a better time to think about growing your own. This does not necessarily mean just having your cabbage patch or planting potatoes, because our climate can accommodate a range of weird and wonderful […]

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Top Tips for Planting an Orchard and Growing Soft Fruit

Would you like to save on your supermarket bills by growing your own fruit? Do you have a space in your garden that you think would be suitable for an orchard?  Here we have put together some ideas on how to grow fruit successfully. Preparing the soil is essential, and, as a leading gardening supplier […]

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Top Tips for Designing a Contemporary Patio

Say ‘patio’ and the likelihood is that most people will think of a simple square or rectangle of paving stones. But today’s contemporary patios can be made into all sorts of unusual and eye-catching shapes, as we look for more from our gardens and turn them into an extension of our homes’ interior space. Leading […]

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Your New Allotment – Preparing and Planning

Whether you are new to gardening on an allotment or have years of experience, Madingley Mulch have all the allotment supplies you will need in and around Cambridge. When starting your own allotment, whether you have taken on a new plot or are taking one over, you will need to prepare for the coming seasons. […]

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Choosing Plants for Your Garden with Spring in Mind

Spring is the best time to dust off your gardening boots and step back out into the outdoors after the long winter break. It is most gardeners’ favourite time of year as it brings a chance of a new start. At Madingley Mulch in Cambridge we are enjoying the longer days spring offers, and we […]

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How Can You Improve Your Soil for the Growing Season?

Once winter has disappeared, and spring is on its way, gardeners everywhere are itching to get back outside. One of the first jobs growers do is to check the condition of the earth they will be cultivating their crops and flowers in. At Madingley Mulch in Cambridge we supply a variety of soil improver products, […]

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Enhance Your Garden with a New Hedge

Are you thinking of adding a new hedge to your garden or commercial site in Essex, Cambridgeshire or the surrounding areas? The benefits are more privacy, a more distinct boundary marker, security and the attractiveness of a well-maintained hedge full of leaves and berries. Garden mulch suppliers Madingley Mulch have put together some tips to […]

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